Sunday, December 11, 2011

Where will you be next year?

This is from my article to the King's University College Newspaper......

“Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy. Be challenged. Learn some things. Teach some things. Spend a year living somewhere that you never dreamed you'd go.” 

This is the tag-line for the SALT program.
Most definitely, all of the above mentioned promises for the SALT program have come true.
They could come true to you as well.

Now is the time for YOU to consider going on SALT program for 2012-2013. 

I never imagined I would be eating exotic fruit and harvesting onions between some rice paddies (like I did today) a year ago. 

Life is not always a picnic here eating some fruit and pulling a few onions.

This is no 2 week missions trip.
This is no vacation.
This is no polished poverty alleviation program.
This is no what you will imagine it will be like.

This is not predictable.
This is not polished.
This is not comfortable.
This is not being effective in the Western sense of that word.
This is not failure free.  It’s failure ridden.

There are positions for those interested and gifted with teaching, pasturing, engineering, farming.  There are positions in the deserts of Jordan, the rice paddies of Indonesia and the Savannah of Kenya. 

No one has the same experience within this same program.  So there are no guarantees for what will happen or how you will change. 

But you will change.

Your world will change.

Your relationship to God will change.

Your relationship to others will change.

But God will not change.  

Oh yah...did I mention your food will change?  Just finished up a plate of fluffy rice and with a  sprinkle of small fish heads.  With the coaching of my fellow pastors.  

Want to go?  Have questions.

check out:

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