Well, here I go!
Welcome to my blog for the upcoming year that I will spend in Indonesia with the Mennonite Central Committee through their SALT (Serving and Learning Together) program for young adults. I have no idea how often this blog will be updated or what it will look like, because I largely have no idea what my upcoming year will be like.
The pressure is on for me to blog this year. From people telling me to they will check everyday to those whom hope for something deeply theological and philosophical, I'll try my best to keep this interesting and updated. My e-mail is jason_k_horlings@hotmail.com if you would like to contact me or you can figure out how to comment on a blog post.
Here is a refresher of the basics of the year ahead.
On August 10th I will be leaving to Indonesia for a year to serve through the SALT program with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), the relief and development arm of the North American Mennonite Church. This SALT program places over 50 other young adults across the Global South. I will be going to the island of Java to serve as a Pastoral Intern and Community Worker. After spending 6 weeks in language training, I will live with an Indonesian family, while serving in the community of Kudus through pastoral visiting, involvement in the youth group, church groups and peace-building activities. Basically, I think that I will be a part of whatever ministries the church is doing.
Where Am I Going?
To the province of Central Java on the island of Java in Indonesia and.....
Where Am I Going?
To the province of Central Java on the island of Java in Indonesia and.....
In the city of Kudus, which is in the top right of the province.
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